Upcoming Workshops

28 September 2024 in Berlin-Neukölln (more info about exact location with registration)

12-17 (including breaks)

47-67€ Sliding Scale *


(If we haven't met yet, please include one sentence about how you would describe your movement background/ level of experience. Thank you!)


In this work, we want to encourage and embrace diversity, extend kindness, uplift marginalized voices and honor everyones well-being. By signing up to this workshop you agree to denounce all forms of discrimination, including racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, antifeminism and others.

If you have a marginalized perspective, please let me know if there is anything I can do to support your well-being.

NOTE - In a moment of crises, let's create spaces of community, solidarity, care and support. If you want to join but money is a problem for you, please let me know and we'll try to find a solution.


*Please choose the option that is possible for you based on your income. By offering different options, the aim is to make the class accessible to as many people as possible.

** When calculating your current income, please take into consideration which privileges or disadvantages you face regarding financial stability and wealth, due to your identity and intersectional discrimination(s), which you do or do not face.

Please also consider which access you (could) have to (higher) income and assets (including family or state support, investments, savings, inheritance etc.), compared to other people in Germany and globally.

(People following my work regularly // have joined min. 3 of my workshops before - I highly appreciate your presence! Please choose the amount that will support your longterm engagement & participation)

Anmeldung & Fragen 



Der Fokus dieses Workshops liegt auf der Suche nach aktiven und reaktiven, gleichzeitig ruhigen Körpern, um sich so mühelos wie möglich zu bewegen und eine langfristig tragfähige Bewegungsform zu etablieren.

In spielerischen Rahmen, angeleiteten Improvisationen und spezifischen Übungen (solo, mit einer Partner:in oder der Gruppe) suchen wir nach einer möglichst organischen Bewegungsqualität, sowie offenen und rezeptiven Körpern.

In diesem Workshop werden wir Bewegungsexploration im Verhältnis zu den anderen Menschen im Raum, durch direkte Interaktion (mit und ohne Berührung) oder eine Erweiterung des Bewusstseins für Zusammenhänge im Raum fokussieren. 

Mithilfe von Imagination und Objekten entdecken wir verschiedene Inspirationsquellen für Bewegung und erforschen dabei das Wechselspiel zwischen aktiven Entscheidungen und Intuition.

Gelegentlich wechseln wir die Rollen von Darsteller:in zu Beobachter:in, erkunden freudvoll und ohne Druck das Feld des künstlerischen Ausdrucks und kultivieren einen Raum gemeinsamer Forschung.


Explorative Momente können individuell und innerhalb der jeweiligen Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten erkundet werden. Dies ermöglicht die Teilnahme von neugierigen und offenen Beweger:innen aus allen Sparten mit mehr oder weniger Tanzerfahrung, sowie für (semi-) professionelle Tänzer*innen. 


The focus of this workshop lies on finding active and reactive, as well as calm and soft bodies, in order to move as effortlessly as possible and to establish a movement form that is sustainable over the long term.

In playful settings, guided improvisations and specific exercises (solo, with a partner or in a group), we will look for an organic movement quality, as well as open and receptive bodies.

In this workshop, we'll focus on movement explorations in relation to the other people in the space, through direct interaction (with and without physical touch) or by expanding awareness of correlations in the space.

With the help of imagination or by using stimulating tools and objects, we'll discover different sources of inspiration for movement and explore the interplay between active decisions and intuition.

Occasionally we switch roles from performer to observer, joyfully exploring the field of artistic expression and cultivating a field of shared research.


Explorative moments can be interpreted individually and within the respective experiences and abilities. This allows for the participation of curious and open-minded movers from all disciplines and with different levels, as well as (semi-) professional dancers.